Integrated Massage and Bodywork

Ayurvedic Massage

Wellness Coaching

Personal Training

As a massage therapist with more than 25 years in private practice, my goal is to help you find a calm, balanced center at the vortex of your demanding life---activities, opportunities, work, relationships, entertainment---they pour into our world at an overwhelming rate. Massage can help you find and maintain a core of peace and balance so you can enjoy each aspect of life.
Because each human is unique, so are my bodywork sessions. I customize my treatments to your specific needs ranging from relaxation to pain management.
Often people are encouraged to prioritize external demands over the needs of their own bodies. I’ve seen the power of massage to help people reduce stress in their lives and cope with pain due to injury. Human touch is a powerful modality in its ability to promote health and well-being. The transformative power of massage inspired the creation of Modern Alchemy Healing Arts.
While most know alchemy as the ancient art of transforming one material into another, in a spiritual sense, alchemy is defined as the “transformation that reveals true potential.” To be released from stress or pain is truly a transformative experience allowing us to become more fully ourselves.
I work with a wide variety of clients from all walks of life and create a safe space for all kinds of bodies. And I use my training, experience, and intuition to create a safe place for them to heal.
No matter what your wellness needs are, I am passionate about helping you feel more balanced, awake, and alive in your body and in your life!